7 Guiding Principles of the International Marian Association

  1. Full obedience to the Holy Father, to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, and acceptance of all of the Church’s Mariological teachings
  2. Advancement of serious Mariological scholarship, and appreciation for both classical and contemporary Mariological contributions, as manifest, for example, in the writings of  St. Louis Marie de Monfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and Pope St. John Paul II
  3. Support for all authentic Marian devotion within a true beauty of diversity, with special  emphasis on the classic devotions of the Rosary, the Scapular, and Marian Consecration
  4. Promotion of Marian Evangelization as part of the Church’s New Evangelization, and encouragement of all Marian apostolic works that spread the full truth and love of Our Lady within the Church, among other Christian traditions, and in non-Christian forums
  5. Discussion and support for the solemn papal definition of Our Lady’s role as Spiritual Mother of all humanity, inclusive of her maternal roles as Co-redemptrix, Mediatrix of all graces, and Advocate
  6. Respect for authentic Marian private revelation as designated by the proper ecclesiastical authority, and in proper application of the norms determined by the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith; and the rejection of all false apparitions as determined by the Church
  7. Solidarity between theologians, bishops, priests, clergy, religious, and lay leaders in teaching and spreading the full truth and full love about Our Lady locally, nationally and internationally